As experienced professional and expert in several fields, we provide professional services in the areas of mental health, education, wellness, consulting and coaching. See the full range of solutions detailed below, and get in touch to find out how we can help.

Counseling / Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is a collaborative treatment based on the relationship between an individual and a psychotherapist. Grounded in dialogue, counseling provides a supportive environment that allows you to talk openly with a licensed professional who’s neutral, objective, and nonjudgmental. You and your psychotherapist will work together to identify and change the thought and behavior patterns that are keeping you from feeling your best.
Through psychotherapy, clients work through difficult situations, experiences, difficulties, and problem, as they learn new skills to better better cope with whatever challenges arise in the future.
Psychotherapy involves communication between patients and therapists that is intended to help people:
Find relief from emotional distress, as in becoming less anxious, fearful or depressed.
Seek solutions to problems in their lives, such as dealing with disappointment, grief, family issues, and job or career dissatisfaction.
Modify ways of thinking and acting that are preventing them from working productively and enjoying personal relationships.
Psychotherapy begins with some discussion of a person's background and the concerns that led him or her to seek help. Following this initial assessment, the patient and therapist come to an agreement, called the treatment contract. The treatment contract specifies the goals of treatment, treatment procedures, and a regular schedule for the time, place and duration of their treatment sessions.

Coaching helps you in many ways, and helps you go in the direction you want to go. It supports you at every level as you become who you want to be. Coaching builds awareness, empowers choices and leads to change.
Coaching unlocks a person’s potential to maximize their performance. Coaching helps you learn rather than teaches you, and it has traditionally been associated with sports, but coaching has become applicable in every area, in business and in every aspect of life as well as sport.
Coaching is a partnership between coach and client. The coach helps the client to achieve their personal best and to produce the results they want in their personal and professional lives. Coaching ensures the client can give their best, learn and develop in the way they wish.
The coach need not be an expert in their clients’ field of work.

Professional consulting is a service from a specialist that has the expertise in a specific area, and as demonstrated by the possession of appropriate professional licensing, certification, and experience, necessary to give advice, direction or information regarding that particular area of knowledge. Consulting can be provided individually, in small or large groups. Consultants have the right expertise in specific fields, and have a track record that speaks for itself.
Based on expertise, consultants may work on identifying problems that sometimes employees and administrators may have difficulties identifying in the organization, due to the fact that they are too close to the problem inside their environment. Consultants bring their expertise, experience, and knowledge to identify and help solve the situation by implementing strategies, plans, new practices, strategies, and providing new skills and education to improve performance and resolve different situations.
A consultant can act as a catalyst for change. Many people fear change, avoid it and/or are reluctant to it. but sometimes change is needed,
and a consultant may be brought in to implement the changes. A benefit to the district or company is that the consultant can do things to institute change in a way that sometimes the staff is unable to perform.
A consultant comes in with a clear view and provides much-needed objectivity. Who else is more qualified to identify a problem than a consultant? A good consultant provides an objective, fresh viewpoint without worrying about what people in the organization might think about the results and how they were achieved.
Consultants may teach new skills and practices, based on their knowledge and expertise. Their skills are competitive, up to date, innovative, and proven to bring change and promote positive results.
A consultant can bring new life to an organization. At one time or another, most businesses need someone to administer "first aid" to get things rolling again, may influence other people, and motivate staff to work towards a shared vision and mission to achieve the desired outcomes.